Namanya Adalah DVD Cloner Gold 2016. Sebuah program yang di klaim sebagai the Best DVD Burning Software 2016 yang mampu mengerjakan tugas pembakaran dengan baik, pengoperasian yang mudah dan powerfull!
Program ini sepertinya di desain untuk menduplikat DVD Movie/Blueray, oleh karena itu admin sarankan untuk memburning data atau bootable disk sebaiknya agan gunakan open smartburnernya yang otomatis terinstal saat DVD Cloner di instal.
Berikut adalah fitur yang disematkan pada software ini: Mohon maaf saya copas saja biar gak blepotan artikelnya ya gan.. ane pastikan agan sangat faham.
Express interface: one click to make 1:1 DVD copy or compress one DVD-9 movie to a DVD-5 DVD±R/RW disc.
Expert interface: movie complete copy, full 1:1 DVD disc copy, movie-only copy, split copy and movie customized copy.
Perfect 1:1 DVD copy
- Removes all known DVD protections such as CSS, CPPM, APS, UOPs, ARccOS, RipGuard, RPC-I/RPC-II/RCE and any region code.
- Added support for new Java protection.
- DVD-5 to DVD-5: Perfect 1:1 DVD copy. Copies one DVD-5 movie to a DVD-5 DVD±R/RW disc.
- DVD-9 to DVD-9: Perfect 1:1 DVD copy. Copies one DVD-9 movie to a DVD-9 DVD±R/RW disc.
- Copies one DVD movie disc to a DVD movie folder for playback on the player software or TV, and a DVD player is not needed any more.
- Copies one DVD movie disc to an ISO image file for future burning or uploaded to the Internet easily.
- Creates a DVD disc from a movie with ISO format downloaded from the Internet.
- Supports the recorded DVD video discs.
- DVD-9 to DVD-5 copy - Compresses one DVD-9 movie to a blank DVD-5 disc, including menus and special features.
- Select to keep all audio tracks and subtitles or remove unwanted ones.
- Manually define the compression rate, which will influence the picture quality
- Copies only the main movie of a DVD to a DVD-5 disc, omitting menus and special features.
- Genuine movie-only copy – Intelligently recognizes the main movie from the source DVD to avoid copying a fake main movie.
- Combines multiple DVDs to one DVD±R DL or BD-R/RE (DL) to save your DVD discs.
- Enables you to select the menu template, background picture and set the disc volumes under the "Combine two DVDs to one DVD±R DL" copy mode.
- Enables you to set the number of DVDs you want to combine and set the disc volumes under the "Combine multiple DVDs to one BD-R (DL)" copy mode.
- Audio tracks and subtitles are selective to make a special copy of DVD movie.
- Splits one DVD-9 movie to two blank DVD-5 discs with original picture quality.
- Keeps all menus and special features.
- Merges your desired movie titles from several DVD discs to one DVD±R DL or BD-R/RE (DL) and removes unwanted audio track(s) and subtitle(s).
- Supports for NTSC and PAL DVD copy.
- Episodic DVD copy - copies only a certain range of chapters, especially designed for episodic TV series DVDs and music video DVDs.
- DVD-5 to DVD-9 copy – copies several titles and chapters from the original DVD-5 movie to a DVD-9 disc.
- Supports for copying multi-channel audio tracks such as Dolby Digital 5.1 and DTS.
- Makes multiple DVD copies without having to repeat the entire process again.
- Enjoy every movie title or chapter directly with the preview window and don't need to install other DVD player software.
- Makes copies of your DVD backups without using your valuable original DVD discs.
- Added support to output 3D effect for subtitles when compressing 3D DVD movies to DVD-5 size.
Minimum configuration:
- • Pentium-II 450 MHz
- • 64MB of RAM
- • 5GB free hard disk space for DVD-5 (10GB free hard disk space for DVD-9)
- • DVD burners
- • Windows XP
- • Intel Core2 CPU
- • 2GB of RAM
- • 10GB free hard disk space
- • DVD burners, Blu-ray burners
- • Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
Cara instal:
- Buka folder "DVD-Cloner Gold 2016 13.0.0 Build 1410"
- Instal dvd cloner seperti biasa
- Copy Crack ke folder direktori, biasanya di C:\Program Files (x86)\DVD-Cloner Gold
- Jalankan patch.
Catatan: Open smartburner yang disertakan masih versi trial, oleh karena itu agan harus menginstal open smartburnernya kemudian yang terdapat di folder "Open.SmartBurner.v1.60.Build.205" langkah-langkahnya sama seperti yang pertama.
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